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What is ALLETE's ticker symbol?
The ticker symbol is ALE.
On which stock exchange is ALE listed?
The New York Stock Exchange.
Does ALLETE pay a common stock dividend?
ALLETE has paid regular quarterly dividends without interruption since 1948. The current annual dividend on our common stock is $2.71 per share.
Can ALLETE dividends be reinvested?
Yes, they can be reinvested through the Invest Direct® plan.
Can common stock be purchased directly from ALLETE?
Yes, investors can buy stock directly from ALLETE through its Invest Direct® plan.
Where can I get more information about Invest Direct?
You can get more information by visiting the Invest Direct® area of this website, or you can speak directly to a Shareowner Services representative by calling 1-800-535-3056.
Who is the transfer agent for ALLETE?
The transfer agent for ALLETE is Equiniti Trust Company:
- Equiniti Trust Company
- EQ Shareowner Services
- 1110 Centre Pointe Curve, Ste 101
- Mendota Heights, MN 55120
- Phone (800) 468-9716
Does ALLETE schedule quarterly conference calls?
Yes, see the Event Calendar for dates. ALLETE will post time and dial-in information approximately two weeks before each call on this website.